Despite the administration of those hazardous drugs was confirmed in August 2012 by Estonian Forensic Science Institute, nearly 3 years after his murder, the case was covered up.
Over the years it has also emerged that
- one non-Estonian Yehovah witness nurse had started to secretly sedate O.R. with Zopitin without the order by any doctor already since first evening,
- Oliver Rõigas was administered secretly since his first day at the hospital huge amount of Dexamethasone daily (can cause brain swelling/edema when administered for long in big amounts), after he had developed horrible side effects and had agreed up switch of the hospital staff started to secretly insert into his body since his 9th day at the hospital also hazardous drugs Haloperidol, Xanax, Propofol, Fentanyl, Clophelin, Metoprolol, Nifedipine, Amlodipine, Labetalol (Trandate) - all administered without informed consent,
- Oliver´s was tortured with hazardous drugs while his both hands were locked to the bed,
- no medical plan with O.R. signature was ever made neither existed,
- the MRT test results from his second day at the hospital that indicated he might have infection were ignored by first treating doctor ML, chief of department,
- not a treating doctor but a complete stranger-doctor (Aadu Liivat) to O.R. whose existence was not even known to O.R. gave secretly drugging orders to nurses during first 10 days.
- in some cases as medical records indicate nurses, particularly one non-Estonian Yehovah witness nurse (still working in the PERH hospital) inserted hazardous drugs secretly without the written request from any doctor at all,
- according to medical records from Oct 12, 2009 and Estonian Forensic Science Institute expert act in the evening on 12 October 2009 nurse Oksana Granovskaja administered - without the written order by any doctor - to Oliver Rõigas simultanously several hearth affecting and blood pressure lowering drugs for unknown reason - 50 mg Metoprolol, 10 mg Nifediine, 10 mg Amlodipine and 10 mg Trandate(Labetalol)Half an hour after that attack with drugs by nurse Oksana Granovskaja at 17.30 Oliver Rõigas got irregular breathing, 18.45 his blood pressure decreased enormously and he fell into comatose and needed breathing machine.
- after O.R. who fell a victim of massive involuntary secret drugging fell into coma on his 19th day at the hospital he was not given any drugs any more, including antibiotics despite having two side bacterial pneumonia that was diagnosed on his 13 the day at the hospital,
- half a year after murder of Oliver Rõigas in autumn 2009 in spring 2010 Health Board official, long time Soviet communist health official and doctor Peeter Mardna came up with a false claim O.R. was brain dead 3 days before his death on Oct 15, 2009 and that is why he was left without food, water, medications for his last days - completely false claim because brain death was never diagnosed and brain death protocol never even commenced/never made;
- opinion of neurologist Erkki Loigom from the evening when Russian nurse Oksana Granovskaja injected O.R. into coma on Oct 12, 2009 was later faked and dr Liivat overwrote the signature of dr ERKKI LOIGOM who did not note any brain death and (dr Liivat) added his own remarks, falsely noting brain death - Estonian government submitted this false claim as something dr Loigom had said to Human Rights Court in summer 2015, despite its clearly seen dr Loigom didnt say this.
- the testimonies of doctors to police confirmed involuntary drugging without informed consent is considered normal by both Estonian and Russian medical staff involved.
The massive secret involuntary drugging was later "justified" by those involved and Estonian authorities with claim that he had cancer in his brain, but no visible to eye cancer was found during his autopsy on Oct 16, 2009 as is written to that document. The immediate cause of death - as written to the death certificate was not cancer, but brain swelling that is also one possible side effects of dexamethason when given in big amounts for long period.
Attempt to justify the massive secret drugging without informed consent with any diagnose indicates that both the hospital and authorities have failed to understand that no diagnose can justify the brutal hospital abuse and torture, locking of someones hands and drugging without informed consent with hazardous drugs.
Violent drugging without informed consent was considered normal during Soviet era and Soviet era trained Estonian doctors and those trained by them, incl. some nurses still practice it without any fear to be punished for severe violation of human rights.
In 2015 Estonian government provided massive amount of lies in this case to the European Court of Human Rights and has done since 2009 the best to silence this brutal abuse and massive violation of most basic human rights. None of the doctors and nurses involved have been punished even by June 2017 in any way and all of them have had a chance to keep working in hospitals, despite all evidence indicate that similar practice of involuntary secret drugging and brutal hospital abuse has been wide practice in Estonian hospitals by several Soviet era trained doctors.
According to Estonian Patient´s Association 2011 overview compiled on dozens of cases and Estonian Human Rights Centre 2012 Annual Report hospital abuse and sometimes even torture at Estonian hospitals is a serious problem.)
From Metoclopramide/Cerucal side effects to massive hospital abuse and poisoning
Oliver Rõigas had had holiday trip to Sweden with 30 friends earlier in September 2009 and celebrated his birthday with a party on September 12, 2009.He had been prescribed 200 Dexamethasone pills after he had had operation in spring 2009, he decreased the amount of pill by the end of summer to 0,5 mg daily, because he felt well and had decided to try to stop taking the Dexamethazone at all after his birthday party, without knowing what are the withdrawal symptoms (that might include also feeling bad and even vormitting).
On September 19, 2009 he visited PERH hospital for few hours where tests were made and he was told that nothing un-normal has been found. But during that visit Metoclopramide (Cerucal) was administered into his body at PERH without his informed consent and he was prescribed and ordered to start taking the same medicine 3 times a day a 10 mg. Already next day on September 20, 2009 his condition worsened - he developed severe rash on face, got problems with one eye )eyeball changed position) and got balance problems - all the symptoms he had never had before and similar to Cerucal possible side effects.
But he had no idea that the side effects of Metoclopramide (Cerucal) include also possible balance problems because the infosheet of Cerucal drug in Estonian did not mention it. On September 23, 2009 he visited his family doctor who adviced him to return to the hospital to find out what has happened.
Five days after been administered Metoclopramide Oliver returned on September 24 2009 to same PERH hospital to find out what has happened. Both on September 19 and September 24 2009 he asked also for tick borne tests, including for Lyme but hospital refused to made them, despite writing down that he had found ticks on his body. Upon his return to hospital on Sept 24, 2009 he was left in hospital for more tests and once again the hospital declined to make tick borne tests. He was told that his condition that had suddenly worsenened after his last visit to hospital on 19 September is not related to tick borne illnesses. Administration of Cerucal was immediately terminated but Oliver Rõigas was not told that the horrible symptoms he had developed during the last five days were similar to possible Metoclopramide side effects. He was taken into hospital and told that hospital will "study" why he has developed those symptoms.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 Massive secret drugging and sedating from first day
As it turned out years later since the first day in hospital, starting on September 24, 2009 Oliver Rõigas was administered secretly 24-48 times more Dexamethazone (24 mg daily) than he had taking (0,5 mg) before cutting the intake of the drug on his birthday. He was also administered since first evening secretly without informed consent sedative Zopitin 7,5 mg by the initiative of nurse Oksana Granovskaja as medical records confirm despite Oliver Rõigas had had no problems with sleeping and had not complained about sleeping problems.
Despite the radiologist who made MRT on brain to him on 25 September 2009 (and had no idea he had been given Cerucal 6 days before) wrote in results that he might have just inflammation not a single blood test and any other test to exclude inflammation was ordered (his treating doctor Mihkel Leiner) in next 10 days.
The massive daily secret administration of Dexamethasone and daily sedating with Zopitin followed with new problems that started to occur already since his second day at hospital on September 25, 2009. After Oliver Rõigas suddenly developed speech problems on second day and then breathing problems that got worse and worse at the hospital his mother agreed up on September 30 2009 a switch of the hospital, suspecting that something had gone wrong. The planned switch of hospital that was supposed to take place after weekend, between October 5-7, 2009 but was suddenly cancelled after Oliver´s treating doctor Mihkel Leiner, head of the department suddenly vanished to holiday.
OCTOBER 3-4, 2009: Plan to switch hospital followed by brutal hospital torture, administration of Haloperidol and locking hands
On weekend 3-4 October 2009, doctor on duty AADU LIIVAT ordered, according to medical records nurses to administer secretly Haloperidol and Xanax to Oliver Rõigas, despite both drugs are not allowed to patients with breathing problems. It later turned out that doctor Liivat who was not even treating doctor had given orders what to administer into Oliver Rõigas secretly already during his first week in the hospital and dr Liivat had ordered with his signature also to prolong the massive administration of Dexamethasone on September 30, 2009.Had Oliver Rõigas switched the hospital the medical records would have indicated the massive secret administration of hazardous drugs and the fact that complete stranger dr. Aadu Liivat and not a treating doctor Mihkel Leiner had been giving drugging orders to nurses at PERH hospital.
On Monday, October 5, 2009 it turned out that the treating doctor Mihkel Leiner had suddenly disappeared to holiday and Oliver who had been secretly administered psychotropic drug Haloperidol and also Xanax several times by the order of dr Liivat was attached to the bed with magnetic lockers.
OCTOBER 7, 2009 Secret sedation with Fentanyl started to block the leave from the hospital
On October 6, 2009 new doctor Ekke Nääb who arrived after the request of mother immediately found out that Oliver Rõigas has two side bacterial pnuemonia but had not been given any antibiotics at all. He was taken to intesive care unit where also doctor Aadu Liivat who had been giving secret and illegal drugging orders for over a week by that time then went. Mother was not allowed to enter the room and dr Aadu Liivat then intubated Oliver Rõigas without the consent of Oliver Rõigas or his mother who was the only next to kin at the hospital during all those weeks and one and only fully legal representative of her son during those tragic events.According to medical records immediately after Oliver Rõigas untreated pneumonia Streptococcus had been diagnosed and despite Oliver Rõigas had developed severe breathing problems at the hospital he was secretly administered on October 6, 2009 between 11-13 massive amount of Haloperidol - 20 mg in 2 hours into veins and also Propofol seven times.
When Oliver Rõigas mother arrived to hospital on morning of October 7, 2009 to transfer his son to other hospital as had been agreed she was told by doctor Ekke Nääb that his son is in condition that is not enabling the transfer and that the transfer is cancelled. Several years later when mother finally got the Estonian Forensic Science Institute confirmed list of drugs administered to his son in 2009 it turned out that before her arrival on October 7, 2009 to hospital Oliver Rõigas had been administered and sedated with one of the strongest narcotics Fentanyl without his informed consent or his mothers informed consent.
After the transfer to other hospital was cancelled the amount of Fentanyl was decreased and on Thursday October 8, 2009 for one day completely terminated because the nurse on duty that day had refused to sedate Oliver and Oliver wrote actively that day to mom to notebook. He requested to go home (he was unable to use his voice at all because dr Liivat had intubated on Oct 6, 2009 him against his will). That day again mother requested dr. Nääb to release his son from the hospital, in order to go home. Doctor Nääb said that it will take too much paper work and the release from hospital will be organised by new doctor Tiiu Paulus at the start of next week while he himself will be in Finland at Kotka hospital (Kotkan sairaala).
OCTOBER 9, 2009: Abuse with Clophelin started - Some nurses in Estonia insert drugs, even Clophelin without any written order by any doctor
On October 9, 2009 when nurse Oksana Granovskaja was on duty Oliver Rõigas condition worsened rapidly again. According to the medical records O.R. was administered big amount of Metoprolol by nurse Oksana Granovskaja without O.R. informed consent that day and later that evening after mother had left the hospital nurse Kristina Raagmets administered twice - 2 x 0,5 mg - harazardous Clophelin into O.R. without his consent and without the order of any doctor.
On Saturday and Sunday October 10-11, 2009 both Oliver Rõigas and his mom were looking for Monday to get finally released to go home.
October 12, 2009: Another attempt to go home blocked by hospital with Clophelin and other overdoses that lead to coma
When mother arrived to hospital on Monday 12, October 2009 morning O.R. had been sedated with Fentanyl again as medical records confirmed and the new doctor Tiiu Paulus told mother that his son will not be released to home, that he is now in comatose and mother should leave the hospital. Mother refused to leave hospital and two hours later his son woke up in her arms - being not in comatose, but just once again illegally sedated.
According to medical records dr. Tiiu Paulus had orderd also to stop giving the antibiotics prescribed by previous doctor and instead ordered nurse Oksana Granovskaja who was on duty again on 12 October 2009 to administer secretly twice without the consent of Oliver Rõigas or her mother massive amount of Penicillin that was was given 3 times that day.
According to the medical records Paulus also ordered the massive administration of Clophelin to Oliver Rõigas on October 12, 2009 afternoon that was administered twice by nurse Granovskaja without the informed consent of O.R. or is mother as next to kin. Clophelin is also known as rape-drug for its rapid sedative effect in big amounts and can be very dangerous to heart. According to medical records Oliver Rõigas blood pressure jumped up after secret administration of Clophelin.
After that at 17 on 12 October 2009, according to medical records nurse Oksana Granovskaja administered simultanously several blood pressure lowering and heart affecting drugs into O.R.body without his or his mom informed consent - 50 mg Metoprolol, 10 mg Nifedipine, 10 mg Amlodipine and 10 mg Trandate and without any written order by any doctor.
Half an hour after that drug attack by nurse Oksana Granovskaja, at 17.30 Oliver Rõigas started to breath irregularly, at 18.45 his blood pressure lowered dramatically, his own breathing stopped and he fall into comatose. Immediately after that doctor Aadu Liivat who had been giving secret illegal drugging orders to nurses already since the first week appeared to the intensive care room and ordered Oliver Rõigas mother to leave the room that mother was allowed to return only after dr Liivat had left.
Upon request of Oliver Rõigas mother who like her son has been completely unaware about secret massive drugging breathing machine was then put to help Oliver to breathe.
FAKE PAPER COMPILED and PRESENTED by authorities as "evidence" to cheat European Human Rights Court
According to the medical records doctor Aadu Liivat who then stayed at the hospital that night as doctor on duty wrote into O.R. medical records that patient is "brain dead", despite the neurologist ERKI LOIGOM who had visited Oliver had not made such conclusion as can be seen from the notes written on the same sheet of paper before dr Liivat notes. Dr Liivat simply overwrote the signature and medical licence number of the neurologist, modified - faked - the document and didnt add his stamp as needed to any notes by doctor.
In 2015, during the proceedings in the European Human Rights Court Estonian government that had provided massive amount of lies to the Court insisted misleadingly that it was the neurologist ERKI LOIGOM who concluded that O.R. was brain dead already on 12 October 2009 evening, altough that sheet of paper confirms that Estonian government simply put misleadingly the words of dr Liivat into the mouth of neurologist ERKI LOIGOM who never said so.
On the morning of 13 October 2009, following the massive secret drugging on 12 October 2009 by dr Tiiu Paulus and nurse Oksana Granovskaja dr. Tiiu Paulus gave order to nurse to stop giving any drugs, including antibiotics to O.R. who had two side pneumonia Streptococcus. Tiiu Paulus also ordered to stop administering Dexamethasone despite its sudden withdrawal after long administratiojn in big doses can cause death according to that drug infosheet.
All these decisions were taken despite the protest of mother who was only next to kin at hospital and thus full legal representative of his son. The test performed that noon on 13 October 2009 upon the request by mother confirmed that O.R. was not brain dead. Despite the repeated request by mother even the administration of antibiotics against pneumonia was not resumed.
OCTOBER !3, 14, 2009 - alive patient treated like brain-dead, no antiobiotics despite twoside pneumonia
The evaluation of brain condition to start the brain death protocol that should include several tests by two different doctors and should be done twice with not less than 12 hour interval was started late on 13 October 2009 at 22, but even the first testing results were not written down and not confirmed by both doctors signature and stamps as required. When both doctors - anestesiologist and neurologist returned on 14 October 2009 the testing procedure was cancelled because Oliver Rõigas had been responsive in front of several people to his mother´s voice. Despite that even on 14 October 2009 the administration of antibiotics was not resumed despite several requests by mother to dr Tiiu Paulus and Mihkel Leiner, head of the department and first treating doctor.
Mother then asked the head of the department and first doctor Mihkel Leiner, who had returned to hospital after been over week away, on the afternoon of 14 October 2009 to rent her ventilator so she can take her son at home on 15 October 2009 and arrange the medical care, feeding and all necessary procedures at home.
According to the medical records in the evening of October 14, 2009 - the PERH hospital staff had been given order to stop turning the O.R. that had been done in every 2-3 hours after he had fallen to comatose in the evening of October 12, 2009. Turning a patient every few hours is compulsory and necessary with all comatose patients to avoid bed sores. The decision to stop turning indicates clearly that hospital decided on October 14, 2009 again to do whatever it takes to avoid again O.R. been taken away from the hospital to home.
The same evening before the midnight mother was suddenly forced to leave the hospital, and when she called the hospital at 5.00 in the morning she was told that her son is not alive any more.
The Board of the NEMC hospital in 2009 was chaired by the Soviet era trained doctor and former Social Minister Toomas Vilosius, long time party fellow of Prime Minister Andrus Ansip from governing Reform party.Estonian Police refused to open the criminal investigation and declined the request to order independent autopsy on 15 October 2015 that was done at the same hospital next day. The decision to not open criminal investigation gave the hospital chance to amend and modify medical records that were given to mother only 3 months later after several requests to officials.
The hospital, supervised by Estonian government argued that Oliver Rõigas died due to the illness. Both dr Tiiu Paulus and Mihkel Leiner faked test results in epicrises. Mother learned the amount of massive secret drugging and secret massive administration of the hazardous drugs to her son only years later when Estonian Forensic Science Institute confirmed in August 2012 the list of hazardous drugs administered and prosecutor Endla Ülviste agreed suddenly to show it to her after she decided to close the case without any charges. More severe details emerged later from medical records.
Massive cover-up by Estonian government officials followed. Altough it emerged in 2014 that doctor Aadu Liivat who was not even treating doctor, but a complete stranger to Oliver Rõigas had been giving secret illegal orders to nurses about administration of several hazardous drugs, Estonian police spent less than hour to question dr. Liivat whom they contacted only in 2011. Police and prosecutor also ignored the fact that dr Aadu Liivat, Health Board inspector Peeter Mardna and other doctors involved and questioned had lied to the police under oath. All request by mother and legal firm representing her to reopen the case were declined and several people involved in cover-up were promoted.
Dr. Ekke Nääb, who had secretly ordered to administer also Haloperidol, Fentanyl and Propofol - same drug that later got Michael Jackson doctor to jail - was not even questioned. Perhaps because dr Nääb was a party fellow to both Interior Ministers Marko Pomerants and Ken-Marti Vaher, in office during the 2,5 years of investigation, opened with half a year delay in spring 2010 and closed suddenly without any charges in autumn 2012.
The secret massive drugging, torture and murder of Oliver Rõigas was appealed to European Human Rights Court on July 23, 2013. The Human Rights Court decided on December 2, 2014 to launch proceedings and to find out whether the European Human Rights Convention was violated in case of 26-year old Oliver Rõigas who perished in Tallinn biggest hospital on October 15, 2009.
Despite the secret massive administration of Haloperidol alone was a real torture act and one of the attempts of homicide by spring 2017 administration of Haloperidol is not even mentioned in statement of facts and Estonian government has not even been asked why Oliver Rõigas was tortured with the secret administration of Haloperidol and Propofol, sedated secretly wwith Fentanyl and Clophelin and why he was tortured with his both hands locked after he and his mom had agreed up the switch of the hospital.
p.s. Human Rights Court info about the case contains several factual errors, not backed with medical records, despite the repeated requests to the court by the lawyer representing the case the factual errors have not been yet corrected.
Please read below or from the Washington Post article what the Haloperidol is about.
Washington Post: Haloperidol is real torture drug
The Washington Post article about the adminstration of Haloperidol (Haldol):
"Haldol gained notoriety in the Soviet Union, where it was often given to political dissidents imprisoned in psychiatric hospitals. "In the history of oppression, using haloperidol is kind of like detaining people in Abu Ghraib," the infamous prison in Iraq, said Nigel Rodley, who teaches international human rights law at the University of Essex in Britain and is a former United Nations special investigator on torture.
For people who are not psychotic, said Philip Seeman, a University of Toronto specialist in psychiatry and pharmacology, "prescribing Haldol . . . is medically and ethically wrong." Seeman studied the drug in the 1960s and later discovered the brain receptors on which several antipsychotic drugs work.
The only circumstances in which small amounts of Haldol are appropriate for non-psychotic people, Seeman said, are when a person comes into a hospital emergency room violent and agitated from an overdose of a drug such as PCP, or when someone with severe dementia is delusional or combative. "You or I wouldn't get it if we were emotionally upset," he said.
In addition, Seeman said, typical doses to help psychotic patients accustomed to the drug are perhaps five to 15 milligrams a day. Several deportees were given a total of 30 milligrams, which Seeman characterized as "really high," especially for people who have never taken the drug before.
Even when used for its intended patients, people with psychosis, Haldol has drawn warnings from the U.S. government. In September, the Food and Drug Administration issued an alert citing "a number of case reports of sudden death" and other reports of dangerous changes in heart rhythm. It is, important, the FDA warned, to inject Haldol only into muscles, not veins, and to avoid doses that are too high.
"Pharma non grata" is the way Emergency Medicine News magazine described the drug after the FDA alert.
Beyond the specific drugs used, Rodley said, is a deeper question: "What is the least intrusive means of restraint consistent with the human dignity of the person? . . . I'd be very surprised if the injection of disabling chemicals against somebody's will that affect one's psychological well-being . . . is likely to be the least intrusive means."
Asked to explain the reason for using Haldol and other psychotropic drugs with people who are not mentally ill, ICE responded, "The medications used by Aviation Medicine are widely used in psychiatry." Agency officials said that medical escorts administer "the lowest dose possible." Combining Haldol and Ativan "allows you [to] use less of each," they said, and produces a quicker and longer sedative effect."
Some useful links:
Please click here to read about Metoclopramide side effects
Haloperidol side effects
European Medicines Agency warning about Metoclopramide (Cerucal):
European Union study about medical mistakes, June 2014.
CONTACT: please use my Facebook account if you wish to write me
Phone: 372-55-11910
List of drugs, administered to Oliver Rõigas at intenstive care unit, confirmed in 2012 by Estonian Forensic Science Institute, including Haloperidol, Propofol, Clophelin etc:

Doses of drugs and some more details:
48x daily overdose of Dexamethasone and psychotropic drug Zopitin
to cover up wrongly prescribed Metoclopramide side effects
Since the very first evening, September 24, 2009 hospital started to sedate Oliver with the psychotropic drug Zopitin 7,5 mg daily without his knowledge and permission, by nurse Oksana Granovskaja, and from the very first day Oliver was also given daily, without his knowledge, a huge amount - 24 mg daily - Dexamethasone, that the hospital claimed long after he had perished 3 week later "was needed as precaution to avoid possible brain swelling", but brain swelling can also be one of the side effects of that drug taken for long period in big amounts.
The enormous daily amount of the Dexamethasone dose was every day 48 times bigger than what Oliver had been taking before signed to hospital on September 24, 2009. He had had operation in spring 2009 and was administred the Dexamethasone after that and had decreased the amount to 0,5 mg daily in September 2009 as doctor had adviced. He had wished to give it up at all after his 26th birthday on September 12, 2009 as he also told to doctors on September 19, 2009 during his visit to NEMC hospital, according to his medical files that I was given first time access only in January 2010 after repeated requests.
After he perished on October 15, 2009 I learned that vormitting is a normal side effect when Dexamethasone dose is decreased or given up at all after long period of using it, as doctors know well. But for some reason NEMC doctors ignored this when Oliver visited hospital on September 19, 2009 and prescribed him wrongly Metoclopramide instead of advice to keep taking 0,5 mg-1 mg Dexamethasone.
Oliver told the doctors that he himself suspected some tick-borne disease because he had had several tick-bornes during the weeks before he turned to doctors in September 2009 according to medical files but NEMC doctors never made any tests for tick-borne related diseases and told us they are sure the symptoms he had got are not related to tick-bornes.
Despite none of the tests done when he was signed to hospital on September 24, 2009 gave a reason to declare him hopeless group of doctors who had never met him before decided so on September 28, 2009. Both hospital and Estonian health officials and prosecutors later made up a false claim that he was declared hopeless on September 28, 2009 due to full body scan that had allegedly indicated that he has tumor spread to internal organs. But no such full body scan was made on September 24, 25, 26, 27 or on 28, 2009 and no full body scan results were included into his medical records too because of that.
Both the hospital and Estonian Health Board declined until winter 2015 all requests to provide that full body scan to me and the similar request by Estonian Patients Union was rejected too. Despite all doctors involved and also government experts gave false testimonies to police prosecutors and judge used the false claim as "fact" that they did also with many other false claims by doctors Aadu Liivat, Tiiu Paulus, Mihkel Leiner and nurse Oksana Granovskaja to police without even looking whether there is evidence in medical records to back their claims.
After Oliver was signed to hospital on September 24, 2009 the daily treatment with the 24 mg Dexamethasone and 7,5 mg Zopitin at the hospital that had hided from him that his complications were caused by Metoclopramide worsened quickly his condition. He got terrible speech problems already next day on September 25, 2009 as noted also in medical files and during first week he also developed breathing problems that got worse daily but the medical treatment was not changed.
In September 2014 I learned that several orders about drugs and doses were given to nurses by a complete stranger - Dr Aadu Liivat whom several nurses called psychopath and who was not a treating doctor and had no right to ask nursers to administer drugs like Zopitin, Haloperidol, Xanax etc to Oliver Rõigas without his knowledge and approval.
Evidence from medical records below confirms that Oliver was secretly administered hazardous drug Haloperidol several times already at the regular care unit during dr Aadu Liivat weekend duty on 3-4 October 2009 and that dr Liivat who was never a treating doctor but a complete stranger to O.R. had been giving illegally drug and doses orders to nurses already earlier on several occasions.
Suspecting that something is wrong we decided with Oliver to switch hospital and
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On weekend before our planned switch to other hospital, on October 3-4, 2009 Oliver was administered without his knowledge Haloperidol and also psychotropic drug Xanax 0,5 mg several times by the order of dr. Aadu Liivat.
Dr. Liivat became very angry that I had told staff about suspicions that my son´s medical treatment is probably wrong and he told me I will be kicked out from the hospital and will never see my son again when I do not obey staff orders. On Sunday, October 4, 2009 he shouted me in corridor "You will see things will turn against you" that made me so scared that I informed nursers about it immediately and wrote a letter about it to dozens of my friends.
Oliver became scared for his life that weekend when Liivat was on charge and also one nurse - Natalja Merzlikina - told me in front of Oliver there is no need to change hospital and that I should just leave the hospital and things will go quickly then with my son.
On next day, Monday October 5, 2009 we learned with Oliver his treating doctor, head of department Mihkel Leiner had suddenly disappeared to holiday and Oliver´s both hands were locked to bed, with repeated threats to me that I will be forced to leave hospital if I do not obey. I did my best that day to find out who is replacing dr Leiner so we can switch hospital immediately (we needed documents for that) but that doctor (Andres Asser) remained out of reach.
Haloperidol and Propofol administered after untreated pneumonia
By next morning, Tuesday October 6, 2009, the health situation of Oliver had became really bad and I asked nurse Irina Jakovleva to finally find a doctor who knows something about health in general. Dr Ekke Nääb who returned with Irina then diagnosed immediately that Oliver has got far developed two side bacterial pneumonia (it turned out to be Streptococcus) that had been "treated" until that with Dexamethasone and psychotropic drugs Zopitin, Haloperidol and Xanax instead of urgently needed antibiotics. Oliver was then taken to intensive care room at the same department where also dr Liivat went then quickly as I learned only later - I was not allowed to enter the room and didnt see him entering it.
According to medical records immediately after discovering that head of the department Mihkel Leiner had made a big medical mistake and had failed to diagnose pneumonia (and did not even order any blood test at all) Oliver was given together with first antibiotics four times big amount - 5 mg each time (4x10 mg written in files, changed to 5 mg later)- of Haloperidol. Haloperidol is a drug that Soviet doctors used also on political prisoners to break their will. Haloperidol has horrible side effects) and is used for psychotropic disorders, for the people with mental problems. Haloperidol can cause blank facial expression, uncontrollable eye movements, confusion, seizures, difficulty breathing, uncontrollable, rhythmic face, mouth, or jaw movements, neck cramps etc. And such a horrible drug was injected into his body secretly without his knowledge and acceptance by the order of dr Aadu Liivat or Ekke Nääb. Dr Liivat and Nääb also intubated Oliver despite I had clearly told dr Nääb not to intubate my son.
After Haloperidol Oliver was then administered secretly seven times Propofol that according to that drug information cant be given to patient with breathing problems.
Its hard to see anything else but a murder attempts in the decision to give Oliver Haloperidol and Propofol immediately after NEMC hospital had find out Oliver had two side bacterial pneumonia that has been treated 12 day with Zopitin and huge amount of Dexamethasone instead of antibiotics.
Hospital sedated Oliver Rõigas with Fentanyl to cancel transfer
Next morning on October 7, 2009 dr Ekke Nääb informed me that the NEMC hospital had cancelled the transfer to other hospital that was supposed to take place finally that day. When I arrived Oliver seemed sleeping and I was unable to take him away by my own. According to medical records that I was given access only three months later in 2010 January my son had been sedated with narcotics Fentanyl without his knowledge before my arrival to hospital that morning when we finally hoped to leave NEMC.
Next day on October 8, 2009 nurse on duty Nonna Krasnova refused to sedate Oliver and Oliver wrote me actively to notebook. I asked dr Ekke Nääb to allow us to go home but dr Nääb told me the documents to go home will be compiled by next doctor Tiiu Paulus who will come to work on Monday, October 12, 2009.
Next morning on October 9, 2009 that was Friday Oliver´s condition had been worsened again and he wrote me "HELP ME". He had by that time to use pen to communicate with me because he had been intubated by dr Liivat and Nääb against my will he had no chance to use his voice at all. According to medical records he had been sedated again with Fentanyl after I had left the hospital late on October 8, 2009. I asked doctor Nääb again to sign us home but he refused, saying he has no time to fulfil necessary documents.
Upon the request of nurse Oksana Granovskaja who had adminstred sedatives (Zopitin) to Oliver from his very first evening in hospital that I learned only later tracheostomy was then performed to Oliver at noon on October 9, 2009 without Oliver´s approval. After this procedure Oliver developed problems with blood pressure and medical records show that before the procedure nurse Granovskaja had adminstered to Oliver 50 mg Metoprolol without his knowledge and approval and Oliver got blood pressure problems during the procedure. I was told later by another nurse Oliver had needed also blood during the procedure, and I dnt know whether also nurse Oksana Granovskaja who is Yehovah witness who resists any blood transfer knew it.
Comatose cocktail by PERH hospital -
Metoprolol, Nifedipine, Amlodipine and Trandate all same time
On weekend 10-11 September 2009 me and Oliver were waiting the Monday, hoping to finally go to home. When I arrived to hospital on Monday October 12, 2009, Oliver was sleeping again and doctor Tiiu Paulus who had taken over the duty at intensive care told me we will not be let home, that my son is now in comatose and he will never woke up and I should leave the hospital. I refused to leave and two hours later my son woke up in my arms. It turned out he had been sedated with narcotics Fentanyl again, according to medical records. According to medical records adminstration of the ordinary morning dose of antibiotics against pneumonia was also halted after Paulus had became the doctor in charge.
Dr. Paulus who got very irritated after Oliver woke up then ordered nurse Granovskaja to stop giving my son these antiobitics he had got six days until that time and to start giving him Penicilline instead and first Penicilline dose was given at noon.
Few hours later Oliver was given by doctor Tiiu Paulus and nurse Oksana Granovskaja without our knowledge and approval hearth rhytm affecting drug Clophelin two times, 0,5 mg each time - several times more than normal one time dose according to the drug guidelines. Clophelin is also known as rape drug - it can make a person unconsciousness quickly. After second Clophelin overdose Oliver´s upper blood pressure number jumped from 130 to 180 in 15 minutes, according to medical records. At around 16 dr Paulus then left the hospital.
At 17 that evening on 12 October 2009 nurse Oksana Granovskaja gave Oliver Rõigas without his knowledge simultanously hearth and blood pressure affecting drugs for unknown reason - 50 mg Metoprolol, 10 mg Nifediine, 10 mg Amlodipine and 10 mg Trandate.
Half an hour after that drug attack by nurse Oksana Granovskaja at 17.30 Oliver Rõigas got irregular breathing, 18.45 his blood pressure decreased enormously and he fell into comatose and needed breathing machine.
Granovskaja also gave another amount of Penicilline and Dexamethasone between 18-19.
Nurse Granovskaja told police in 2011 that she had consulted all drugs with doctor Tiiu Paulus by phone after Paulus had left at 16. But doctor Paulus memory had faded and she told police she cant remember such phone call. Both Granovskaja and Paulus hided from police that they gave Oliver Clophelin that day and what was given to Oliver Rõigas at 17, despite all drugs given are listed in medical records they just lied that only "10 mg Trandate" was given.
After Oliver fell into coma dr Aadu Liivat came to room, and wrote "brain dead", despite no tests for that had been made.
After severe medical mistakes on October 12, 2009 Oliver who had two side pneumonia
was illegally taken off since October 13 2009 morning from all food and medicaments
Next morning on October 13, 2009 dr. Tiiu Paulus ordered nurses to stop giving Oliver food and any drugs, including against pneumonia. Paulus told police in 2011 she did not do that decision alone but it is not known with whom she made that decision.
The EEG done then on 13 October 2009 after my request that noon showed Oliver was alive, not brain dead but all my pleas to put back food and drugs were ignored.
My begging to put back food and drugs were also ignored by head of department and first treating treating doctor Mihkel Leiner who had returned from his holiday.
On October 14, 2009 I told doctors I am going to take my son away anyway next day. Shortly before midnight I was forced to leave Tallinn NEMC hospital and few hours later when I called at 5 on October 15, 2009 I was told Oliver is not alive any more.
Massive cover up followed
Estonian police declined that day my request to open investigation. Police was supervised by Interior Minister Marko Pomerants who - as a Social Minister - had appointed in 2003 his friend Tonis Allik to head NEMC hospital (North-Estonian Medical Centre, in Estonian PERH (Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla). The Board of the NEMC hospital was and still is chaired by Soviet era trained doctor and former Social Minister Toomas Vilosius, from governing Reform party.
Soviet era health official Peeter Mardna, who also had close ties to KGB and is also ex employee of NEMC hospital was given a right to arrange expertise by Estonian officials together with several NEMC doctors. When Mardna signed a document with long list of lies his supervisors, including Health Board head Tiiu Aro and Social Minister Hanno Pevkur (Justice Minister since 2012 and Interior Minister since 2014, from Reform party) and later also prosecutors office declined to make Mardna responsible for providing false expertise in any way. Mardna lied about drugs given on October 12, 2009 by nurse Oksana Granovskaja before comatose, hided that overdose of Clophelin had been administered and also made up a claim that the patient was taken off from drugs and food on October 13, 2009 "because being brain dead" despite no such procedure had been even launched, neither ever finished. The two doctors called for that procedure 13 hours after Oliver was let without food and any medicament didnt sign both the the document late October 13, 2009 and next day when they returned they cancelled the procedure both.
I was given the copy of medical records after repeated requests to Health Board and Social Ministry only in January 2010 and it was then only that I started to find out over the years what had really happened to my beloved son Oliver, praised by his friends as someone who always, since early childhood stood up for justice and was enormously loved by his friends for his kind and helpful heart.
Criminal investigation was finally launched in spring 2010 but not a single NEMC doctor or nurse was asked to testify even that year, in 2010. Testimonies were taken finally in winter 2011 but because I was not shown them before the criminal case was closed 2012 I had no chance to indicate that doctors Leiner, Paulus, Liivat and nurse Granovskaja had lied to police and there is evidence in medical records to prove it. Dr Ekke Nääb who sedated Oliver with narcotics without his knowledge and gave him Haloperidol after finding out department head had made a big errors and staff in hospital that was on duty the night we lost Oliver were not asked any questions by police and prosecutor at all.
After the criminal case was closed by Prosecutor Endla Ülviste in autumn 2012 I found a document from the criminal records that shows the prosecutor Ülviste had even given a written order to evaluate the medical treatment only since September 24, 2009, thus to hide the fact that when my son visited NEMC hospital on September 19, 2009 he had been goven Metocploramide (Cerucal) and that is why he returned for tests to same hospital on September 24, 2009 - due to the horrible complications he had got from Metoclopramide, secretly administered to him by same hospital on September 19, 2009.
In December 2012 Head of Estonian Patient Union Pille Ilves asked me whether I agree to take the abuse, torture and murder of my son in hospital to European Human Rights Court.
On May 30, 2014 my lawyer turned to police with the request to reopen the case and to investigate Estonian Forensic Institute three expert-doctors, including its vice director Marika Väli who had provided a long list of false information to prosecution. Police, supervised by Interior Minister Hanno Pevkur responded in June 2014 with decline, stating that the same persons have been already investigated although nobody has ever investigated the falsification of facts by those expert-doctors during the criminal case.
In summer and autumn 2014 reopening of the case was blocked also by two state prosecutors - former Soviet milice clerk Kaire Jaakson and Lavly Perling. Both Kaire Jaakson and Lavly Perling are both ex partners to ex Soviet policeman Jüri Pihl who recruited dozens of KGB-related people to Estonian security police of who many have been turned out kept working for Russian security services. In September 2014 Lavly Perling declined to answer to my crime appeal regarding the falsification of facts and ignoring evidence, declined to reopen the case and let several crimes to expire as even torture expires in Estonia in 5 years. After the 5 year date passed in October 15, 2014 Lavly Perling was appointed by Estonian government as General Prosecutor.
On September 30, 2014 Perling had sent me a letter where she wrote there was nothing criminal in fact that doctor who was not treating doctor - Aadu Liivat - gave orders to nurses what kind of drugs to give to my son, and Lavly Perling also claimed that there is no need to punish nurse Oksana Granovskaja for not telling truth to police, etc etc. In January 2016 prosecutor Kaire Jaakson informed me in written again that there is nothing ciminal in this that nurses and doctors didnt tell to police what they have administered or ordered to my son.
Perling was outlined in mid August 2014 as a sole candidate to become Prosecutor General by Justice Minister Andres Anvelt, Soviet era Soviet police school graduate and friend and party fellow to dr Aadu Liivat son, who took over Anvelt´s party job as head of social democrats unit in Tallinn this autumn 2014.
I learned only in spring 2014 that the tragedy that lead to the murder of my son in Tallinn hospital started in September 2009 from the horrible side effects of Metoclopramide, noted as Cerucal in medical files.
I have no doubt there are also good doctors in Estonia, in all ages, and many of them, even some from NEMC have contacted me and honestly described similar cases and problems and the lack of basic patients safety in Estonian hospitals. But in general Estonian health care system is still lead mainly by ex-communists, doctors of whom some were also once part of Soviet nomenklatura and who seem to carry the same moral and ethics they got from Soviet era, believing that its up to doctors solely to decide what kind of drugs they administer and prescribe and patients dont need to be asked or told and that they, the doctors and not the human rights prevail when you cross the entrance door to the hospital.
Secret administration of drugs into someones body is a torture and murder is a murder.
But sometimes when the crimes take place at government supervised institutions like hospital laws exist on paper only.
People suffer, but nobody cares.
Anneli Reigas
Some useful links:
Please click here to read about Metoclopramide side effects
Haloperidol side effects
European Medicines Agency warning about Metoclopramide (Cerucal):
European Union study about medical mistakes, June 2014.
CONTACT: please use my Facebook account if you wish to write me
Phone: 372-55-11910
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