Two major studies compiled by the order of Estonian Justice Ministry and launched in June 2010 and September 2009 have revealed that medical doctors are the most corrupted professionals in Estonia. According to the study revealed by Justice Ministry in June 2010 as much as 9% of those polled said doctors have asked them for a bribe during last 12 months. Among most corrupted professions that request and do not request university level education, doctors in Estonia rank as 2nd, with only those evaluating the vehicles listed as more corrupted (by 11% of those polled).
The both major corruption studies (in Estonia) can be found at the Estonian Justice Ministry homepage at . Regardless of the major corruption in medicine almost none of the Estonian doctors has ever been punished for requesting and taking bribes. The question - WHY? - has a simpler answer - what happens in hospitals and in medicine has been above the law in Estonia since Soviet era with that time doctors and their mentality still strongly ruling the system that seems not to understand that breaking the laws and admitting bribes damages also the reputation of doctors who never take bribes and in difference of their colleagues respect and follow also human rights.
In one of rare cases when a doctor who had taken bribes in several cases was sentenced by criminal court, the sentence was followed by the decision of Tallinn biggest hospital PERH to promote the sentenced doctor to Chair one of the PERH branches that he had to quit years later when the case was revealed to public.
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