2012 Report about Torture and Patients Abuse
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hold a speech at Tallinn University on
November 16, 2013 during his two-day visit to Estonia, stressing that dignity for all should be our main
principle and highlighting many important problems in his speech to hundreds of students, diplomats and officials. After taking a chance after his presentation to deliver
welcome wishes to UN
Secretary General also from the staff
of United Nations mission to Estonia in 90s, including myself as UN Information and Coordination Officer at the Office of UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative I also noted to Ban Ki-moon that when you step out for
human righths in Estonia you are simply smashed down by the current
government, but you learn this and how corrupted that system really is only when you find itself in situation like that. I
would have wished a lot that UN Secretary General would have had a
chance to meet also leaders of Estonian Patient´s Advocacy Association
to get the more honest picture about what the struggle for human rights, including in
health care really means in todays Estonia and how vast is the corrupted ring
of officials up to Chief Prosecutor Norman Aas, Justice Minister Hanno Pevkur and many more who do their best to cover up even the most severe abuse
cases in Estonian hospitals. Read also Human rights report 2012 about torture and abuse in Estonian hospitals.