Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Human Rights Report 2012 about Torture and Abuse of Patients in Estonia

Overview about the abuse of patients and the violation of human rights in Estonian hospitals now available in English. The Report was compiled by Estonian Patients Advocacy Association (EPAA) in 2011. In April 2012 the abuse of patients in Estonia was highlighted also by Estonian Human Rights Centre in its annual 2011 report, launched in April 2012 with the note that patients abuse in Estonia is a severe violation of Human Rights and international agreements signed by Estonia; and in some cases the patients abuse in Estonia can be called a torture. The following overview was one of the core documents used for EHRC report opening chapter about the patients abuse.

Summary of abuse cases:
- The patients and their loved ones are treated without respect, with humiliation and brutally, health service providers cause knowingly and constantly severe misery to patients;
- the care for patients can be described as criminal neglect, patients are treated in a way that is humiliating and causes suffering;
- patients whose condition restricts their movement and force them to stay in bed are not fed, left without water and not assisted when they wish to visit toilet;
- patients considered by staff inconvenient are illegally chained/tied;
- the necessary health care tests are not made, medications not provided;
- instead of necessary care patients are injected/given huge doses of intoxicating drugs and/or chained to bed;
- patients and their relatives are verbally abused and humiliated, when patients or their relatives complain and ask for better care they are threatened to be kicked off from the hospital and the staff starts to persecute them;
- some health care providers try knowingly to take steps that could cause the death of the patient (giving them overdose of drugs, withdrawing necessary medications, freezing the bed-attached- patients while leaving them next to opened window during chilly Nordic weather; etc.
- Estonia lacks the objective and effective handling of patients complaints about medical service quality;
- there are no serious investigations in Estonia about suspicious death cases in hospitals and nursing hospitals CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Soros NGO helps Estonian patients union, punished by government

Estonian Patients Advocacy Association, that revealed in 2011 an overview about the sever abuse of patients at hospitals and took a strong stand against the ongoing harrassment of victims revealing the truth was punished by governing coalition that cut the 2012 budget of the patients NGO several times. The NGO survives only due to the help from George Soros funded international institute dealing with human rights. New study about corruption and fraud in Estonian health care, compiled by Tartu University was launched in November 2011. For last news about developments click HERE.